Our goal is to provide at-risk teens access to cosmetics and hygiene products so they can express their personal esthetic without the need for shoplifting.

One of the most common items shoplifted from stores is makeup.
Many people want to use makeup in order to express themselves, whether that be for fun or to make themselves feel beautiful. But with the increasing prices of makeup, it becomes harder and harder for people to afford it – especially teens experiencing homelessness or those from homes that are financially insecure. We hope to help these at-risk teens improve their self-image and slow the amount of shoplifted products.

Crime Prevention
55% of adults convicted of shoplifting say they started in their teens
72% of juveniles make the decision to shoplift while in the store
1 in 48 shoplifters are caught
47% of high school students shoplifted this year
* Please see sources for above here

Cost to Retailers
For every $330 worth of products stolen, a retailer has to sell an incremental $300,000 worth of goods to break even
On average there are 550,000 shoplifting incidents per day in the US
The total amount to roughly 13 billion dollars stolen from retailers per year
Poverty is the mother of crime.
– Marcus Aurelius